Narayan also published travel books, volumes of essays, the memoir My Days, and the retold legends Gods, Demons, and Others, The Ramayana, and The Mahabharata. In 1980 he was awarded the A. Benson Medal by the Royal Society of Literature, and in 1981 he was made an Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
- The Ramayan(a) is an ancient Sanskrit epic. It is attributed to the Hindu sage Valmiki and forms an important part of the Hindu canon (smṛti). The Ramayana is one of the two great epics of India, the other being Mahabharata.
- PDF Books,18 Puran.Karmakanda Books,Geeta Free PDF Ebooks.
This is the first complete public domaintranslation of the Ramayana to be placed online.The Ramayana is one of the two epic Hindu poems, theother being the Mahabharata.The Ramayana describes a love story between Rama, an ancient King,and Sita, who is captured by Ravan, the King of Ceylon.Rama lays siege to Ceylon and wins back Sita.The parallels to theIliad are obvious, butthe details are very different. Disney frozen mp3 microphone.
This verse translation by Griffith, whose translations ofthe Rig Vedaand the Sama Veda are also available at sacred-texts,was scanned in 2000 from an original copy, which had very poor typesetting.Due to the difficulty of converting this 600 page text to etext,the project was put on hold for several years until OCR technologymatured.Finally in 2003, the text was OCR-ed and proofed at Distributed Proofing.However, despite best efforts, there are several places in this text wherethe proofing was difficult or impossible. These are indicated byasterisks or (illegible).We are in the process of cleaning up these issues and hope to havea definitive version of this text at some point.In the meantime we hope you enjoy this epic, which is one of themost popular tales of Indian mythology.
Title Page
Title PageInvocation
InvocationBOOK I
Book ICanto I: Nárad.
Canto II: Brahmá's Visit
Canto III.: The Argument.
Canto IV.: The Rhapsodists.
Canto V.: Ayodhyá
Canto VI.: The King.
Canto VII.: The Ministers.
Canto VIII.: Sumantra's Speech.
Canto IX.: Rishyas'ring.
Canto X.: Rishyas'ring Invited.
Canto XI: The Sacrifice Decreed.
Canto XII.: The Sacrifice Begun.
Canto XIII.: The Sacrifice Finished.
Canto XIV.: Rávan Doomed.
Canto XV.: The Nectar.
Canto XVI.: The Vánars.
Canto XVII.: Rishyas'ring's Return.
Canto XVIII.: Rishyas'ring's Departure.
Canto XIX.: The Birth of The Princes.
Canto XX.: Vis'vámitra's Visit.
Canto XXI.: Vis'vámitra's Speech.
Canto XXII.: Das'aratha's Speech.
Canto XXIII.: Vas'ishtha's Speech.
Canto XXIV.: The Spells.
Canto XXV.: The Hermitage of Love.
Canto XXVI.: The Forest of Tádaká.
Canto XXVII.: The Birth of Tádaká.
Canto XXVIII.: The Death of Tádaká
Canto XXIX. : The Celestial Arms.
Canto XXX.: The Mysterious Powers.
Canto XXXI: The Perfect Hermitage.
Canto XXXII.: Vis'vámitra's Sacrifice.
Canto XXXIII.: The Sone.
Canto XXXIV.: Brahmadatta.
Canto XXXV: Visvámitra's Lineage.
Canto XXXVI.: The Birth of Gangá.
Canto XXXIX.: The Sons of Sagar.
Canto XL.: The Cleaving of The Earth.
Canto XLI.: Kapil.
Canto XLII.: Sagar's Sacrifice.
Canto XLIII.: Bhagirath.
Canto XLIV.: The Descent of Gangà.
Canto XLV.: The Quest of The Amrit.
Canto XLVI.: Diti's Hope.
Canto XLVII.: Sumatí.
Canto XLVIII.: Indra And Ahalyá
Canto XLIX.: Ahalyá Freed.
Canto L.: Janak.
Canto LI.: Vis'vámitra.
Canto LII.: Vas'ishtha's Feast.
Canto LIII.: Vis'vàmitra's Request.
Canto LIV.: The Battle.
Canto LV.: The Hermitage Burnt.
Canto LVI.: Vis'vámitra's Vow.
Canto LVII.: Tris'anku.
Canto LVIII.: Tris'anku Cursed.
Canto LIX.: The Sons of Vas'ishtha.
Canto LX.: Tris'anku's Ascension.
Canto LXI: S'unahs'epha.
Canto LXII.: Ambaresha's Sacrifice.
Canto LXIII.: Menaká.
Canto LXIV.: Rambhá.
Canto LXV.: Vis'vámitra's Triumph
Canto LXVI.: Janak's Speech.
Canto LXVII.: The Breaking of The Bow.
Canto LXVIII.: The Envoys' Speech.
Canto LXIX.: Das'aratha's Visit.
Canto LXX.: The Maidens Sought.
Canto LXXI.: Janak's Pedigree.
Canto LXXII.: The Gift of Kine.
Canto LXXIII.: The Nuptials.
Canto LXXIV.: Ráma With The Axe.
Canto LXXV.: The Parle.
Canto LXXVI.: Debarred From Heaven.
Canto LXXVII.: Bharat's Departure.
Book II
Book IICanto I.: The Heir Apparent.
Canto II.: The People's Speech.
Canto III.: Das'aratha's Precepts.
Canto IV.: Ráma Summoned.
Canto V.: Ráma's Fast.
Canto VI.: The City Decorated.
Canto VII.: Manthará's Lament.
Canto VIII: Manthará's Speech.
Canto IX.: The Plot.
Canto X.: Das'aratha's Speech.
Canto XI.: The Queen's Demand.
Canto XII.: Dasaratha's Lament.
Canto XIII.: Das'aratha's Distress.
Canto XIV.: Ráma Summoned.
Canto XV.: The Preparations.
Canto XVI.: Ráma Summoned.
Canto XVII.: Ráma's Approach.
Canto XVIII.: The Sentence.
Canto XIX.: Ráma's Promise.
Canto XX.: Kaus'alyá's Lament.
Canto XXI.: Kaus'alyá Calmed.
Canto XXII.: Lakshman Calmed.
Canto XXIII.: Lakshman's Anger.
Canto XXIV.: Kaus'alyá Calmed.
Canto XXV.: Kaus'alya's Blessing.
Canto XXVI.: Alone With Sitá
Canto XXVII.: Sítá's Speech.
Canto XXVIII.: The Dangers of The Wood.
Canto XXIX.: Sítá's Appeal.
Canto XXX.: The Triumph of Love.
Canto XXXI.: Lakshman's Prayer.
Canto XXXII.: The Gift of The Treasures.
Canto XXXIII.: The People's Lament.
Canto XXXIV.: Ráma In The Palace.
Canto XXXV.: Kaikeyí Reproached.
Canto XXXVI.: Siddhárth's Speech.
Canto XXXVII.: The Coats of Bark.
Canto XXXVIII.: Care For Kaus'alyá
Canto XXXIX.: Counsel To Sítá.
Canto XL.: Ráma's Departure.
Canto XLI.: The Citizens' Lament.
Canto XLII.: Das'aratha's Lament.
Canto XLIII.: Kaus'alyá's Lament.
Canto XLIV.: Sumitra's Speech.
Canto XLV.: The Tamasá.
Canto XLVI.: The Halt.
Canto XLVII.: The Citizens' Return.
Canto XLVIII.: The Women's Lament.
Canto XLIX.: The Crossing of The Rivers.
Canto L.: The Halt Under The Ingudí.
Canto LI.: Lakshman's Lament.
Canto LII.: The Crossing of Gangá.
Canto LIII.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto LIV.: Bharadvája's Hermitage.
Canto LV.: The Passage of Yamuná.
Canto LVI.: Chitrakuta.
Canto LVII.: Sumantra's Return.
Canto LVIII.: Ráma's Message.
Canto LIX: Das'aratha's Lament.
Canto LX.: Kaus'alyá Consoled.
Canto LXI.: Kauslaya's Lament.
Canto LXII.: Das'aratha Consoled.
Canto LXIII.: The Hermit's Son.
Canto LXIV.: Das'aratha's Death.
Canto LXV.: The Women's Lament.
Canto LXVI.: The Embalming.
Canto LXVII.: The Praise of Kings.
Canto LXVIII.: The Envoys.
Canto LXIX.: Bharat's Dream.
Canto LXX.: Bharat's Departure.
Canto LXXI.: Bharat's Return.
Canto LXXII.: Bharat's Inquiry.
Canto LXXIII.: Kaikeyí Reproached.
Canto LXXIV.: Bharat's Lamest.
Canto LXXV.: The Abjuration.
Canto LXXVI.: The Funeral
Canto LXXVII.: The Gathering of The Ashes.
Canto LXXVIII.: Manthará Punished.
Canto LXXIX.: Bharat's Commands.
Canto LXXX.: The Way Prepared.
Canto LXXXII.: The Departure.
Canto LXXXIII.: The Journey Begun.
Canto LXXXIV.: Guha's Anger.
Canto LXXXV.: Guha And Bharat.
Canto LXXXVI.: Guha's Speech.
Canto LXXXVII.: Guha's Story.
Canto LXXXVIII.: The Ingudí Tree.
Canto LXXXIX.: The Passage of Gangá.
Canto XC.: The Hermitage.
Canto XCI.: Bharadvája's Feast.
Canto XCII.: Bharat's Farewell.
Canto XCIII.: Chitrakúta In Sight.
Canto XCIV.: Chitrakúta.
Canto XCV.: Mandákiní.
Canto XCVI. : The Magic Shaft.
Canto XCVII.: Lakshman's Anger.
Canto XCVIII: Lakshman Calmed.
Canto XCIX.: Bharat's Approach.
Canto C.: The Meeting.
Canto CI.: Bharat Questioned.
Canto CII.: Bharat's Tidings.
Canto CIII.: The Funeral Libation.
Canto CIV.: The Meeting With The Queens.
Canto CV.: Rama's Speech.
Canto CVI.: Bharat's Speech.
Canto CVII.: Ráma's Speech.
Canto CVIII.: Jáváli's Speech.
Canto CIX.: The Praises of Truth.
Canto CX.: The Sons of Ikshva'ku.
Canto CXI.: Counsel To Bharat.
Canto CXII.: The Sandals.
Canto CXIII.: Bharat's Beturn.
Canto CXIV.: Bharat's Departure.
Canto CXV.: Nandigrám.
Canto CXVI.: The Hermit's Speech.
Canto CXVII.: Anasúyá.
Canto CXVIII.: Anasúyá's Gifts.
Canto CXIX.: The Forest.
Book IIICanto I.: The Hermitage.
Canto II.: Virádha.
Canto III.: Virádha Attacked.
Canto IV.: Virádha's Death.
Canto V.: S'arabhanga.
Canto VI.: Ráma's Promise.
Canto VII.: Sutíkshna.
Canto VIII.: The Hermitage.
Canto IX.: Sita's Speech.
Canto X.: Ráma's Reply.
Canto XI.: Agastya.
Canto XII.: The Heavenly Bow.
Canto XIII.: Agastya's Counsel.
Canto XIV.: Jatáyus.
Canto XV.: Panchavatt.
Canto XVI.: Winter.
Canto XVII.: S'u'panakha'
Canto XVIII.: The Mutilation.
Canto XIX.: The Rousing of Khara.
Canto XX.: The Giants' Death.
Canto XXI.: The Rousing of Khara.
Canto XXII: Khara's Wrath.
Canto XXIII.: The Omens.
Canto XXIV.: The Host In Sight.
Canto XXV.: The Battle.
Canto XXVI.: Dúshan's Death.
Canto XXVII.: The Death of Tris'iras.
Canto XXVIII.: Khara Dismounted.
Canto XXIX.: Khara's Defeat.
Canto XXX.: Khara's Death.
Canto XXXI.: Rávan
Canto XXXII.: Rávan Roused.
Canto XXXIII.: Súrpanakhá's Speech.
Canto XXXIV.: Sûrpanakhá's Speech.
Canto XXXV.: Rávan's Journey.
Canto XXXVI.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XXXVII.: Márícha's Speech.
Canto XXXVIII.: Márícha's Speech.
Canto XXXIX.: Márícha's Speech.
Canto XL.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XLI.: Márícha's Reply.
Canto XLII.: Márícha Transformed.
Canto XLIII.: The Wondrous Deer.
Canto XLIV: Artcha's Death
Canto XLV.: Lakshman's Departure.
Canto XLVI.: The Guest.
Canto XLVII: Rávan's Wooing.
Canto XLVIII: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XLIX.: The Rape of Sitá.
Canto L.: Jatáyus.
Canto LIII.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto LIV.: Bharadvája's Hermitage.
Canto LV.: The Passage of Yamuná.
Canto LVI.: Chitrakuta.
Canto LVII.: Sumantra's Return.
Canto LVIII.: Ráma's Message.
Canto LIX: Das'aratha's Lament.
Canto LX.: Kaus'alyá Consoled.
Canto LXI.: Kauslaya's Lament.
Canto LXII.: Das'aratha Consoled.
Canto LXIII.: The Hermit's Son.
Canto LXIV.: Das'aratha's Death.
Canto LXV.: The Women's Lament.
Canto LXVI.: The Embalming.
Canto LXVII.: The Praise of Kings.
Canto LXVIII.: The Envoys.
Canto LXIX.: Bharat's Dream.
Canto LXX.: Bharat's Departure.
Canto LXXI.: Bharat's Return.
Canto LXXII.: Bharat's Inquiry.
Canto LXXIII.: Kaikeyí Reproached.
Canto LXXIV.: Bharat's Lamest.
Canto LXXV.: The Abjuration.
Canto LXXVI.: The Funeral
Canto LXXVII.: The Gathering of The Ashes.
Canto LXXVIII.: Manthará Punished.
Canto LXXIX.: Bharat's Commands.
Canto LXXX.: The Way Prepared.
Canto LXXXI.: The Assembly.
Canto LXXXII.: The Departure.
Canto LXXXIII.: The Journey Begun.
Canto LXXXIV.: Guha's Anger.
Canto LXXXV.: Guha And Bharat.
Canto LXXXVI.: Guha's Speech.
Canto LXXXVII.: Guha's Story.
Canto LXXXVIII.: The Ingudí Tree.
Canto LXXXIX.: The Passage of Gangá.
Canto XC.: The Hermitage.
Canto XCI.: Bharadvája's Feast.
Canto XCII.: Bharat's Farewell.
Canto XCIII.: Chitrakúta In Sight.
Canto XCIV.: Chitrakúta.
Canto XCV.: Mandákiní.
Canto XCVI. : The Magic Shaft.
Canto XCVII.: Lakshman's Anger.
Canto XCVIII: Lakshman Calmed.
Canto XCIX.: Bharat's Approach.
Canto C.: The Meeting.
Canto CI.: Bharat Questioned.
Canto CII.: Bharat's Tidings.
Canto CIII.: The Funeral Libation.
Canto CIV.: The Meeting With The Queens.
Canto CV.: Rama's Speech.
Canto CVI.: Bharat's Speech.
Canto CVII.: Ráma's Speech.
Canto CVIII.: Jáváli's Speech.
Canto CIX.: The Praises of Truth.
Canto CX.: The Sons of Ikshva'ku.
Canto CXI.: Counsel To Bharat.
Canto CXII.: The Sandals.
Canto CXIII.: Bharat's Beturn.
Canto CXIV.: Bharat's Departure.
Canto CXV.: Nandigrám.
Canto CXVI.: The Hermit's Speech.
Canto CXVII.: Anasúyá.
Canto CXVIII.: Anasúyá's Gifts.
Canto CXIX.: The Forest.
Book IIICanto I.: The Hermitage.
Canto II.: Virádha.
Canto III.: Virádha Attacked.
Canto IV.: Virádha's Death.
Canto V.: S'arabhanga.
Canto VI.: Ráma's Promise.
Canto VII.: Sutíkshna.
Canto VIII.: The Hermitage.
Canto IX.: Sita's Speech.
Canto X.: Ráma's Reply.
Canto XI.: Agastya.
Canto XII.: The Heavenly Bow.
Canto XIII.: Agastya's Counsel.
Canto XIV.: Jatáyus.
Canto XV.: Panchavatt.
Canto XVI.: Winter.
Canto XVII.: S'u'panakha'
Canto XVIII.: The Mutilation.
Canto XIX.: The Rousing of Khara.
Canto XX.: The Giants' Death.
Canto XXI.: The Rousing of Khara.
Canto XXII: Khara's Wrath.
Canto XXIII.: The Omens.
Canto XXIV.: The Host In Sight.
Canto XXV.: The Battle.
Canto XXVI.: Dúshan's Death.
Canto XXVII.: The Death of Tris'iras.
Canto XXVIII.: Khara Dismounted.
Canto XXIX.: Khara's Defeat.
Canto XXX.: Khara's Death.
Canto XXXI.: Rávan
Canto XXXII.: Rávan Roused.
Canto XXXIII.: Súrpanakhá's Speech.
Canto XXXIV.: Sûrpanakhá's Speech.
Canto XXXV.: Rávan's Journey.
Canto XXXVI.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XXXVII.: Márícha's Speech.
Canto XXXVIII.: Márícha's Speech.
Canto XXXIX.: Márícha's Speech.
Canto XL.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XLI.: Márícha's Reply.
Canto XLII.: Márícha Transformed.
Canto XLIII.: The Wondrous Deer.
Canto XLIV: Artcha's Death
Canto XLV.: Lakshman's Departure.
Canto XLVI.: The Guest.
Canto XLVII: Rávan's Wooing.
Canto XLVIII: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XLIX.: The Rape of Sitá.
Canto L.: Jatáyus.
Canto LI.: The Combat.
Canto LII.: Rávan's Flight.
Canto LIII.: Sitá's Threats.
Canto LIV.: Lanká.
Canto LV.: Sítá In Prison.
Canto LVI.: Sítá's Disdain.
Canto LVII.: Sítá Comforted.
Canto LVIII.: The Brothers' Meeting.
Canto LIX.: Ráma's Return.
Canto LX.: Lakshman Reproved.
Canto LXI.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto LXII.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto LXIII.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto LXIV.: Rama's Lament.
Canto LXV.: Rama's Wrath.
Canto LXVI.: Lakshman's Speech.
Canto LXVII.: Ráma Appeased.
Canto LXVIII.: Jatáyus.
Canto LXIX.: The Death of Jatáyus.
Canto LXX.: Kabandha.
Canto LXXI.: Kabandha's Speech.
Canto LXXII.: Kabandha's Tale.
Canto LXXIII.: Kabandha's Counsel.
Canto LXXIV.: Kabandha's Death.
Canto LXXV.: Savari
Canto LXXVI.: Pampá.
Book IVCanto I.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto II.: Sugríva's Alarm.
Canto IV: Lakshman's Reply.
Canto V.: The League.
Canto VI.: The Tokens.
Canto VII.: Ráma Consoled.
Canto VIII.: Ráma's Promise.
Canto IX.: Sugríva's Story.
Canto X.: Sugríva's Story.
Canto XI.: Dundubhi.
Canto XII.: The Palm Trees.
Canto XIII.: The Return To Kishkindhá.
Canto XIV.: The Challenge.
Canto XV.: Tará.
Canto XVI.: The Fall of Báli.
Canto XVII.: Báli's Speech.
Canto XVIII.: Ráma's Reply.
Canto XIX.: Tárá's Grief.
Canto XX.: Tárá's Lament.
Canto XXI.: Hanumán's Speech.
Canto XXII.: Báli Dead.
Canto XXIII.: Tárá's Lament.
Canto XXIV.: Sugríva's Lament.
Canto XXV.: Ráma's Speech.
Canto XXVI.: The Coronation.
Canto XXVII.: Ráma On The Hill.
Canto XXVIII.: The Rains.
Canto XXIX.: Hanumán's Counsel.
Canto XXX.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto XXXI.: The Envoy.
Canto XXXII.: Hanuman's Counsel.
Canto XXXIII.: Lakshman's Entry.
Canto XXXIV.: Lakshman's Speech
Canto XXXV.: Tárá's Speech.
Canto XXXVI.: Sugríva's Speech.
Canto XXXVII.: The Gathering.
Canto XXXVIII.: Sugríva's Departure.
Canto XXXIX.: The Vánar Host.
Canto XL.: The Army of The East.
Canto XLI.: The Army of The South.
Canto XLII.: The Army of The West.
Canto XLIII.: The Army of The North.
Canto XLIV.: The Ring.
Canto XLV.: The Departure.
Canto XLVI.: Sugríva's.
Canto XLVII.: The Return.
Canto XLVIII.: The Asur's Death.
Canto XLIX.: Angad's Speech.
Canto L.: The Enchanted Cave.
Canto LI.: Svayamprabhá
Canto LII.: The Exit.
Canto LIII.: Angad's Counsel.
Canto LIV.: Hanumán's Speech.
Canto LVI:
Canto LV.: Angad's Reply
Canto LVI.: Sampáti.
Canto LVII.: Angad's Speech.
Canto LVIII: Tidings of Sitá.
Canto LIX.: Sampati's Story.
Canto LX.: Sampáti's Story
Canto LXI.: Sampáti's Story.
Canto LXII.: Sampáti's Story.
Canto LXIII.: Sampáti's Story.
Canto LXIV.: The Sea.
Canto LXV.: The Council.
Canto LXVI.: Hanumán.
Canto LXVII.: Hanuman's Speech.
Book VCanto I.: Hanumán's Leap.
Canto II.: Lanká.
Canto III.: The Guardian Goddess.
Canto IV.: Within The City.
Canto VI. : The Court.
Canto VII.: Ravan's Palace.
Canto VIII.: The Enchanted Car.
Canto IX.: The Ladies' Bower.
Canto X.: Rávan Asleep.
Canto XI.: The Banquet Hall.
Canto XII.: The Search Renewed.
Canto XIII.: Despair And Hope.
Canto XIV.: The As'oka Grove.
Canto XV.: Sítá.
Canto XVI.: Hanumán's Lament.
Canto XVII.: Sítá's Guard.
Canto XVIII.: Rávan.
Canto XIX.: Síta's Fear.
Canto XX.: Rávan's Wooing.
Canto XXI.: Sita's Scorn.
Canto XXII.: Rávan's Threat.
Canto XXIII.: The Demons' Threats
Canto XXIV.: Sítá's Reply.
Canto XXV.: Sítá's Lament.
Canto XXVI.: Sitá's Lament
Canto XXVII.: Trijatá's Dream.
Canto XXX.: Hanumán's Deliberation.
Canto XXXI.: Hanumán's Speech.
Canto XXXII.: Sítá's Doubt.
Canto XXXIII.: The Colloquy.
Canto XXXIV.: Hanumán's Speech.
Canto XXXV.: Hanuman's Speech.
Ramayan Book Read Online Books
Canto XXXVI.: Ráma's Ring.
Canto XXXVII.: Sítá's Speech.
Canto XXXVIII.: Sitá's Gem.
Canto XLI.: The Ruin of The Grove.
Canto XLII.: The Giants Roused.
Canto XLIII.: The Ruin of The Temple.
Canto XLIV.: Jambumáli's Death.
Canto XLV.: The Seven Defeated.
Canto XLVI.: The Captains.
Canto XLVII.: The Death of Aksha.
Canto XLVIIL: Hanumán Captured.
Canto XLIX.: Rávan.
Canto L.: Prahasta's Questions.
Canto LI.: Hanumán's Reply.
Canto LII.: Vibhíshan's Speech.
Canto LIII.: The Punishment.
Canto LIV.: The Burning of Lanká.
Canto LV.: Fear For Sítá.
Canto LVI: Mount Arishta.
Canto LVII.: Hanúmán's Return.
Canto LXI.: The Feast of Honey.
Canto LXV. : The Tidings.
Canto LXVI.: Ráma's Speech.
Book VICanto I.: Ráma's Speech.
Canto II.: Sugríva's Speech.
Canto III.: Lanká.
Canto IV.: The March.
Canto V.: Ráma's Lament.
Canto VI.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto VII.: Rávan Encouraged.
Canto VIII.: Prahasta's Speech.
Canto IX.: Vibhíshan's Counsel.
Canto X.: Vibhíshan's Counsel.
Canto XI.: The Summons.
Canto XII.: Ravan's Speech.
Canto XIII.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XIV.: Vibhíshan's Speech.
Canto XV.: Indrajit's Speech.
Canto XVI.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto XVII.: Vibhíshan's Flight.
Canto XVIII.: Ráma's Speech.
Canto XIX.: Vibhíshan's Counsel.
Canto XX.: The Spies.
Canto XXI.: Ocean Threatened.
Canto XXII.:
Canto XXIII.: The Omens.
Canto XXIV.: The Spy's Return.
Canto XXV.: Rávan's Spies.
Canto XXVI.: The Vánar Chiefs.
Canto XXVII.: The Vánar Chiefs.
Canto XXVIII.: The Chieftains.
Canto XXIX.: S'árdúla Captured.
Canto XXX.: Sárdúla's Speech.
Canto XXXI.: The Magic Head.
Canto XXXII.: Sitá's Lament.
Canto XXXIII.: Saramá.
Canto XXXIV.: Saramá's Tidings.
Canto XXXV.: Malyaván's Speech.
Canto XXXVI.: Rávan's Reply.
Canto XXXVII.: Preparations.
Canto XXXVIII.: The Ascent of Suvela.
Canto XXXIX.: Lanká.
Canto XL.: Rávan Attacked.
Canto XLI.: Ráma's Envoy.
Canto XLII.: The Sally.
Canto XLIII.: The Single Combats.
Canto XLIV.: The Night.
Canto XLV.: Indrajit's Victory.
Canto XLVI.: Indrajit's Triumph.
Canto XLVII.: Sitá.
Canto XLVIII.: Sitá's Lament.
Canto XLIX.: Ráma's Lament
Canto L.: The Broken Spell.
Canto LI.: Dhúmráksha's Sally.
Canto LII.: Dhúmráksha's Death.
Canto LIII.: Vajradanshtra's Sally.
Canto LIV.: Vajradanshtra's Death.
Canto LIX.: Rávans Sally.
Canto LX.: Kumbhakarna Roused.
Canto LX.: Kumbhakarn'a Roused.
Canto LXI.: The Vánars' Alarm.
Canto LXII: Rávan's Request
Canto LXIII.: Kumbhakabna's Boast.
Canto LXIV.: Mahodar's Speech.
Canto LXV.: Khumbhakarna's Speech.
Canto LXVI.: Kombhakarna's Sally.
Canto LXVII.: Kumbhakarna's Death.
Canto LXVIII.: Rávan's Lament.
Canto LXIX.: Narántak's Death.
Canto LXX.: The Death of Tris'iras.
Canto LXXI.: Atikáya's Death.
Canto LXXII.: Rávan's Speech.
Canto LXXIII.: Indrajit's Victory.
Canto LXXIV.: The Medicinal Herbs.
Canto LXXV.: The Night Attack.
Canto XCIII.: Rávan's Lament.
Canto XCVI.: Rávan's Sally.
Canto C.: Ravan In The Field.
Canto CI.: Lakshman's Fall.
Canto CII.: Lakshman Healed.
Canto CIII.: Indra's Car.
Canto CVI.: Glory To The Sun.
Canto CVIII.: The Battle.
Canto CIX.: The Battle.
Canto CX.: Rávan's Death.
Canto CXI.: Vibhíshan's Lament.
Canto CXII.: The Rákshas Dames.
Canto CXIII.: Mandodarí's Lament.
Canto CXIV: Vibhíshan Consecrated.
Canto CXV.: Sitá's Joy.
Canto CXVI.: The Meeting.
Canto CXVII.: Sítá's Disgrace.
Canto CXVIII.: Sítá's Reply.
Canto CXIX.: Glory To Vishnu.
Canto CXX.: Sítá Restored.
Canto CXXI.: Das'aratha.
Canto CXXII.: Indra's Boon.
Canto CXXIII.: The Magic Car.
Canto CXXIV.: The Departure.
Canto CXXV.: The Return.
Canto CXXVI.: Bharat Consoled.
Canto CXXVII.: Ráma's Message.
Canto CXXVIII.: Hanumán's Story.
Canto CXXIX.: The Meeting With Bharat.
Canto CXXX.: The Consecration.
AppendicesIndex of Principal Names
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The Ramayana
- Author : R. K. Narayan
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2006
- Total pages :157
- ISBN : 0143039679
Summary : A retelling of the Tamil epic poem which records Prince Rama's search for his abducted sweetheart, Sita.
The Ramayana
- Author : Vālmīki
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1894
- Total pages :229
- ISBN : UOM:39015030386471
Summary : Assassins creed odyssey pc code.
The Society of the Ramayana
- Author : Ananda W. P. Guruge
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1991
- Total pages :349
- ISBN : 8170172659
Summary : The Social Conditions Of Ancient India Have To Be Patiently Reconstructed By Gathering Together The Data Available From Archaeology And Literature. It Is Impossible For One Individual, Even In A Lifetime, To Examine Critically All The Information At His Disposal .To The Archaeologist India Presents A Fund Of Sociological Data Covering, At Least, Five Thousand Years. And The Student Of Her Literature Finds More Elaborate And Informative Evidence In Literary Works, The Earliest Of Which Cannot Under Any Circumstances Be Dated Later Than 1000 B.C. A Careful Study Of The Facts So Available Is Absolutely Necessary If We Are To Have A Complete And Reliable Picture Of Ancient Indian Society. It Is For This Purpose That The Sociological Data Of The Ramayana Are Subjected To A Detailed Scrutiny In This Publication.Although The Ramayana Contains Very Valuable Information For The Study Of The Social Conditions Of India, It Had Been For Many Years Overshadowed By The Great Epic, The Mahabharata. There Are Fewer Works Dealing With The Sociological Data Of The Ramayana, Even Though The Scholars Who Worked On The Mahabharata Occasionally Referred To It.In This Publication, An Attempt Has Been Made To Discuss As Many Aspects Of The Ancient Indian Society As Practicable. While The First Chapter Has Been Devoted To Establish The History, The Date And The Historicity Of The Text, Which Is Our Source Book, The Other Eight Chapters Discuss The Evidence, Which Has Been Called From The Ramayana With Meticulous Care After Study Of All Three Recensions, Available Both In Printed Editions And Manuscripts. No Less Than Fifty-Five Different Aspects Are Dealt With In These Ten Chapters Ranging From Geographical Data To Religious And Philosophical Teaching. Lana del rey songs download. It Is Gratifying ,States One Of Its Critics, To Note That His Attitude In Respect Of The Problems Discussed By Him Is Quite Reasonable And Non-Dogmatic. The Society Of The Ramayana Contains The Results Of The Researches Conducted By Dr. Ananda Guruge During The Years 1951 And 1952 In Ceylon And India Under The Guidance Of Professor O.H.De A.Wijesekera, Professor Of Sanskrit, University Of Ceylon, Peradeniya. It Was Presented To The University Of Ceylon In 1953 Under The Title Social Conditions Of Ancient India As Reflected In The Ramayana And Was Accepted For The Ph.D. Degree.Since Its Publication In Sri Lanka In 1960, It Has Been Widely Used By Scholars Throughout The World, As Demonstrated By Scholars Throughout The World, As Demonstrated By Numerous References In Monographs And Articles. Referring To The Wealth Of Data In The Ramayana Translation, Describes In 1984 Dr. Guruge S Work As The Elaborate And Useful Treatment. In 1965. It Was Translated Into Tamil, As Ramayana Samudayam Dr. Guruge Is Currently Sri Lanka S Ambassador And Permanent Delegate To Unesco In Paris, France.
The Ramayana
- Author : C. G. R. Kurup
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2002
- Total pages :198
- ISBN : 817011926X
Summary : The Ramayana Is Derived Basically From Valmiki'S Sanskrit Classics. The Epic Exemplifies Righteous Outlook And Action, Devotion To Duty, Fearlessness And Compassion. The Reading Of Saga Has Been Deemed, Through The Ages, To Bestow Merit, Besides Literary Joy. The Epic Is One Of The Most Widely Read Lore In Indian Homes, And Abroad. Rama'S Story Has, Through Generations, Influenced The Quality Of Human Beings, The Poet Himself Offering The Testament Of A Supreme Transformation.
The Ramayana and Hinduism
- Author : Anita Ganeri
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2008-07
- Total pages :30
- ISBN : 9780237536374
Summary : This beautifully produced series provides a perfect introduction to the world's six main faiths through their sacred texts, showing how they were compiled and/or written, and how people have used them as a guide through their lives.
The Ramayana of Valmiki
- Author : Vālmīki,Sally J. Sutherland Goldman,Rosalind Lefeber,Sheldon I. Pollock
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1984
- Total pages :397
- ISBN : 0691066612
Ramayan In Hindi
GET BOOK HERESummary : This is the fourth volume of a translation of India's most beloved and influential epic tale--the Ramayana of Valmiki. As befits its position at the center of the work, Volume IV presents the hero Rama at the turning point of his fortunes. Having previously lost first his kingship and then his wife, he now forms an alliance with the monkey prince, Sugriva. Rama needs the monkeys to help him find his abducted wife, Sita, and they do finally discover where her abductor has taken her. But first Rama must agree to secure for his new ally the throne of the monkey kingdom by eliminating the reigning king, Sugriva's detested elder brother, Valin. The tragic rivalry between the two monkey brothers is in sharp contrast to Rama's affectionate relationship with his own brothers and forms a self-contained episode within the larger story of Rama's adventures. This volume continues the translation of the critical edition of the Valmiki Ramayana, a version considerably reduced from the vulgate on which all previous translations were based. It is accompanied by extensive notes on the original Sanskrit text and on several untranslated early Sanskrit commentaries.
The Ramayana
- Author : Ramesh Menon
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2004-05-26
- Total pages :720
- ISBN : 9781466826250
Summary : The great Indian epic rendered in modern prose India's most beloved and enduring legend, the Ramayana is widely acknowledged to be one of the world's great literary masterpieces. Still an integral part of India's cultural and religious expression, the Ramayana was originally composed by the Sanskrit poet Valmiki around 300 b.c. The epic of Prince Rama's betrayal, exile, and struggle to rescue his faithful wife, Sita, from the clutches of a demon and to reclaim his throne has profoundly affected the literature, art, and culture of South and Southeast Asia—an influence most likely unparalleled in the history of world literature, except, possibly, for the Bible. Throughout the centuries, countless versions of the epic have been produced in numerous formats and languages. But previous English versions have been either too short to capture the magnitude of the original; too secular in presenting what is, in effect, scripture; or dry, line-by-line translations. Now novelist Ramesh Menon has rendered the tale in lyrical prose that conveys all the beauty and excitement of the original, while making this spiritual and literary classic accessible to a new generation of readers.
The Ramayana
- Author : Linda Egenes, M.A.,Kumuda Reddy, M.D.
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2016-09-06
- Total pages :400
- ISBN : 9781101993057
Summary : A delightfully straightforward and lyrical retelling of the ancient Indian epic of loyalty, betrayal, redemption, and insight into the true nature of life -- one of history's most sacred ethical works, rendered with completeness and sterling accuracy for the modern reader. Here is one of the world's most hallowed works of sacred literature, the grand, sweeping epic of the divine bowman and warrior Rama and his struggles with evil, power, duplicity, and avarice. The Ramayana is one of the foundations of world literature and one of humanity's most ancient and treasured ethical and spiritual works. Includes an introduction by scholar Michael Sternfeld. From the Trade Paperback edition.
The Ramayana
- Author : Chitra Ramaswamy
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2019-01-12
- Total pages :172
- ISBN : 9789386506931
Summary :
The Ramayana: Kishkindhā kāndam. 1891
- Author : Vālmīki
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1891
- Total pages :229
- ISBN : HARVARD:32044011390713
Summary :
The Ramayana Revisited
- Author : Mandakranta Bose
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2004-09-30
- Total pages :378
- ISBN : 9780195168327
Summary : 14 leading 'Ramayana' scholars examine the epic in its myriad contexts throughout South and Southeast Asia. They explore the role the narrative plays in societies as varied as India, Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia. The essays also expand the understanding of the 'text' to include non-verbal renditions of the epic.
The Ramayana
- Author : Bulbul Sharma
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2008-01-09
- Total pages :137
- ISBN : 0143330314
Summary : Rama, the prince of Ayodha, is exiled to the forest, but after many adventures he discovers that his wife has been abducted by Ravana, the king of demons, and Rama needs the help of Hanuman and his army of monkeys to rescue her.
The Ramayana
- Author : Marie Musæus-Higgins
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2000
- Total pages :60
- ISBN : 812061495X
Summary : Based on Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki.
The Ramayana: Bālakāndam. 1892
- Author : Vālmīki
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1892
- Total pages :229
- ISBN : HARVARD:32044036441053
Summary :
Living Thoughts of the Ramayana
- Author : Sukhdeva
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2002
- Total pages :196
- ISBN : 9788179920022
Summary : Over the ages, a number of versions of the Ramayan have been written by great sages such as Valmiki and Tulsidas. All versions provide a multidimensional view of the perfect life. In Living Thoughts of the Ramayana, Sukhadeva enlightens the reader about the real nature of the man and the world. He aims at reforming the present worldconsciousness and ultimately creating universal peace and happiness. Notably free from doctrines, this work is a penetrating study of the importance of the Ramayana and its relevance to social structures, political administration and spirituality. The teachings of Swami Vivelananada are also an important source of inspiration for the author. All readers will enrich their live both materially and spiritually by reading this unique work.
The Ramayana and Mahabharata Condensed into English Verse
- Author : Anonim
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2012-08-02
- Total pages :368
- ISBN : 9780486143521
Summary : Two great epics of the ancient Hindus: the Ramayana, recounting the adventures of a banished prince, and the Mahabharata, based on the legends surrounding a war. Condensed version features selections linked with short notes.
Ramayan Book Read Online In Marathi
The Ramayana
- Author : Vālmīki
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1952
- Total pages :229
- ISBN : UOM:39015003477968
Summary :
Ramayan Book Read online, free
The Cambodian Version of the Ramayana
- Author : Kuoch Haksrea,Jeanne Jacob,Reamker (Ramakerti) Reamker
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2013-01-11
- Total pages :352
- ISBN : 9781136566837
Summary : Published in the year 2004, The Cambodian Version of the Ramayana is a valuable contribution to the field of Asian Studies.
The Ramayana and the Mahabharata
- Author : Vālmīki
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1910
- Total pages :335
- ISBN : 9781465577429
Summary :
The Ramayana and Other Hindu Texts
- Author : Anita Ganeri
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :2003
- Total pages :30
- ISBN : 0237523477
Summary : America's 'small wars,' 'imperial wars,' or, as the Pentagon now terms them, 'low-intensity conflicts,' have played an essential but little-appreciated role in its growth as a world power. Beginning with Jefferson's expedition against the Barbary Pirates, Max Boot tells the exciting stories of our sometimes minor but often bloody landings in Samoa, the Philippines, China, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Mexico, Russia, and elsewhere. Along the way he sketches colorful portraits of little-known military heroes such as Stephen Decatur, 'Fighting Fred' Funston, and Smedley Butler. From 1800 to the present day, such undeclared wars have made up the vast majority of our military engagements. Yet the military has often resisted preparing itself for small wars, preferring instead to train for big conflicts that seldom come. Boot re-examines the tragedy of Vietnam through a 'small war' prism. He concludes with a devastating critique of the Powell Doctrine and a convincing argument that the armed forces must reorient themselves to better handle small-war missions, because such clashes are an inevitable result of America's far-flung imperial responsibilities.
The Ramayana: Bālakāndam. v. 2. Ayodhya Kāndam. v. 3.Ayanya kāndam. v. 4.Kishkindhā Kandam. v. 5. Sundara Kāndam. v. 6. Yuddha Kāndam. v. 7. Uttarakan dam
- Author : Vālmīki
- Publisher :Unknown
- Release Date :1891
- Total pages :229
- ISBN : COLUMBIA:CR00238333
Ramayan Book Read Online In Hindi
Summary :